
I just graduated…Is LinkedIn for me?

I just graduated…Is LinkedIn for me?

Published on - 11/15/2019


You’ve just graduated college, you’re jobless and are already in thousands of dollars worth of student debt. What now? Before the painful job search ensues, the conformity must begin; to make a LinkedIn page. Some think of it as a glorified adults version of social media, a way to engage in social networking without the immaturity of Facebook. What you don’t think about is the fact that LinkedIn serves as the motherboard of resume databases, allowing not only the candidate to job search but give many thousands of companies insight and access to you and to potentially turn you from disgruntled recent college graduate into a happy employee. LinkedIn brings the world together with people varying from all ethnicities, races, ages, backgrounds, and interests. From the bohemian independent artist to the tenured engineering professor, LinkedIn will provide connections to them all.

Your Profile and the Benefits:

-Show your true self and where you come from. You are essentially posting your resume online; allow it to be an opportunity to show off without boasting.

-Add as many connections as you can, and allow them to endorse or recommend you for your skills and past work. When your profile is viewed, these endorsements will backup your claims to having certain skills. Additionally, it will allow help you be found by potential employers.

-Create traffic to your LinkedIn page. Linking to your page via your email signature, blogs, or other social media outlets that you have will give you more exposure to the work world. Let yourself be seen.

While many large companies pay for LinkedIn’s premium recruiting services, and salespeople use it to research potential clients, it’s small businesses that have begun to utilize LinkedIn’s recruiting possibilities.

A year ago, only 5% of small business owners say they most often use LinkedIn when looking to hire, however today as many as 25% of small business owners are making LinkedIn their go-to tool.

In the business recruiting circuit, LinkedIn ranks fourth behind the following:

Word of Mouth- 66% Job Boards – 37% Craigslist-34% LinkedIn- 25%

What Are Employers Seeking Out?

Ultimately an employer is looking to narrow down their search for the perfect candidate down to one out of thousands of potentially great applicants. It is up to you to make yourself that shining star.

-Red flags- something that would indicate a flaw in your character.

-Character references

-Friendliness, positivity, and success in relationships.


-Good writing and communication skills, grammar and spelling always count. Never forget this.

-Personality and lifestyle. Allow yourself to show who you truly are while keeping it professional.

Due to social media’s overwhelming presence in today’s society, it is hard to keep a work persona different from your personal life. Nothing is a secret anymore. Recruiters and employers will take notice and remember during the hiring process.

So when you’re finally taking that initial step to signup to LinkedIn and join the working world, maybe remember to delete those embarrassing pictures from your senior year tailgating party. Adhere to all points on our list of LinkedIn tips for new graduates and your profile will be sure to stand out! Get ready to delve in and be found.